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French Dip Sandwiches

I love French Dips! That’s one of the best things about making a pot roast, is the French Dips the next day! This roast made absolutely divine leftover sandwiches! Sometimes the roast gets a little dried out the next day, and normally that’s alright because you’re dipping it into liquid. This roast however was still juicy and flavorful the next day even, and that just took the sandwich to a whole other level! Delicious!

– leftover pot roast
– some nice fluffy buns or hearty crusty sandwich rolls
– sliced cheese, optional
– au jus packet
– beef broth

Heat up the meat and build your sandwich, sometimes I put cheese on mine, this time I didn’t.
Mix the au jus packet with the beef broth and heat on the stove until it comes to a boil, stirring frequently. Once it’s boiling, turn down the heat and simmer for a few minutes.
Serve on the side with your sandwiches, and dip generously! šŸ™‚



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